My Abortion Story
As for me, I’m done with looking for simple answers to complex problems. I’m done with divisive politics that don’t deal with any of the real issues. I’m ready to empower different stories.
Listening for the "Voice of God".
Not gonna lie. When I hear someone talking about hearing from God, I assume they are a freak or they are manipulative. So let me clarify….
Freedom In Our Messiness!
God sees me as if I had never done all the things I can’t admit in a public blog post (Cause y’all ain’t God, and y’all ain’t capable of not condemning my deepest issues…)
So You Left Church
If they would only watch and listen a while they would see that we have not left God. We have only left a system that we feel is flawed and not what God intended.
The Beauty of Imperfection: Thoughts on Inerrancy
I will delight over all the questions and imperfections, because each one is reminder that there is a place for me in this story!
To My Survivor Friends Who Hate Religion
I know when you hear me say that I am a Christian, it causes you to cringe. You expect me to judge you. You think that if I saw half of what you have done, I’d run away in fear and disgust. But that’s not the kind of Christian I am.
It's Time to Really See What is Happening
When church culture became about building the individual kingdoms of dynamic leaders, the religious culture of America made shame the norm.
Re-claiming the Purpose of Following Jesus
The drift towards focusing on power over people has always been the battle we all face when we follow Jesus. In today’s post, I dive into how this was even a struggle for the early believers who were eyewitnesses to all the Jesus did.
10 Reasons The "Done With Church" Fill Me With Hope
The Rise of the Nones and the Exodus of the Dones have created a lot of tension and heated confrontation. It has been a heart breaking transition. But it also fills me with hope! A lot of the issues needed to be addressed! Hope flourishes in the light
Response to Abuse Scandal in the SBC
The problem is with the system. We will always see abuse when we see the institution mattering more than the individual.
Loving Your Enemies When They Are Church Culture
I struggle to forgive you. I am bitter. Often , I hate you. Always, I hate the hurt you caused. Always, I hate how you misrepresented Jesus to me, my family, and so many people that I care about. I will always hate that.
How Church Culture Has Gotten the Whole Lust Thing Wrong
It is a gross misrepresentation of everything Jesus taught and stood for to allow sexual abuse to continue in churches. Those who commit these acts and those who participate in the cover up are no longer representing who Jesus is.
Thank You Millennials for Teaching Me to Value Myself
All of us want to be seen, valued, and know that the people we are working for have our back and want what is best for us. We all want to be empowered rather than being used.
The Power of Meekness in a Narcissistic World
Healthy meekness comes from self-acceptance, because when you are comfortable with who you are, imperfections and all, you don’t need to make everything all about you.