Listening for the "Voice of God".
I recently posted a Youtube video about “listening to the voice of God.”
Not gonna lie. When I hear someone talking about hearing from God, I assume they are a freak or they are manipulative. The freaks don’t bother me too much, but the manipulative people do. That’s probably a topic for another day, though.
Right now, I want to clarify what I mean when I say that I “hear” the “voice of God.”
I don’t actually hear an audible voice. What I experience are thoughts in my head that I recognize as not my own. In all the noise and accusations floating around in my head, there is a steady calm voice ready to be listened to when I take the time to hear it.
That voice absolutely lines up with the truths of the Bible. It reminds me of my value and helps me see the value in others.
Consider what Paul prayed for the believers in Ephesus:
“And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love—how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is. 19 Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with the fullness of God.”
Paul said, the love of God is so incredibly unbelievable that we need to pray for the ability to comprehend how unknowable it is. When we understand how much God absolutely adores us. Yeah you! He adores you! And when you begin to grasp a little bit of how much he adores you, you will be able to walk in the power he offers you. That is the beginning of “hearing his voice.”
That is my prayer for you today! I pray that you hear a gentle, amazing message of how much the creator of the universe adores you and would love to walk through life with you.
Let me know what you think.
How do you “hear” the voice of God?
What scares you about the idea of God loving you?
Do you agree that it feels different to say “God adores you”? Why does that bother people more than “God loves you”?
How would you live differently if you really, really believed God totally adored you?
Leave your answers in the comments:
(here’s my corny youtube video if you’re interested)